
Dzianis Yakusik

Junior Front-End Developer

Programming has been a hobby for me for the past few years, but recently I decided to turn my hobby into a source of income. I love challenging tasks and puzzles, and I enjoy solving them. My best qualities are revealed when I work in a relaxed atmosphere, relying on my skills, competence and flair. In addition, I am always open to communication with colleagues both regarding work and other various topics, ranging from weather to quantum physics.


  • phone

    +48 459 372 854

  • telegram


  • discord




  • JavaScript, Vue JS
  • Git, GitHub
  • Figma
  • Windows OS, Linux
  • VS Code, Sublime Text

Work Experience

  • 2019 - 2020

    Bookmaker arbitration

    Analysis of betting odds and search for arbitrage situations.

  • 2015 - 2018

    Online trader

    Analysis of digital trading platforms, work with digital and cryptocurrency assets.

  • 2012 - 2014

    Design engineer

    Work with technical documentation in the field of hydraulics.


  • Russian - C2
  • Belarusian - C1
  • Polish - B2
  • French - B1
  • English - A2

Code Example

import {ref, defineEmits, defineProps, watch} from 'vue';
const emits = defineEmits(['updateInput']);
const {body, item} = defineProps({
  body: String,
  item: Object,
const calcInput = ref(body || ''),
      calcElems = [7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 0, 'x', ''];         
const action = n => {
  if(n === ''){
    calcInput.value = calcInput.value.slice(0, -1)
  calcInput.value += n
watch(calcInput, () => {emits('updateInput', calcInput)})


Packsize Returns(demo)